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Creates Value

Dr. Schnee works with your current BCBA and is intimately involved in all aspects of your child’s learning; From designing and engineering every aspect of your child's program to building and  designing teaching materials. 

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Dr. Schnee is highly effective at maximizing the potential of each youngster.  In order to help families get the best for their child, Dr. Schnee works with only a handful of families.

Effective intervention is highly demanding. It requires meticulous attention to detail, a thorough knowledge of all the elements that need to be in place, what it takes to get them in place, how to engineer disparate constituent abilities so that greater linguistic complexity develops, and how to analyze things when things aren’t moving so well. Dr. Schnee delivers this.

Quality intervention requires regular oversight of implementation, consistent execution across those implementing the program, regular adjustments and updates to programming, clear and precise communication, continuity and assured reliance of staff and ongoing customization. Dr. Schnee delivers this.

Thoughtfully crafted intervention employs a 'teach to build/engineering' approach vs. a 'teach and hope' approach, i.e., things are taught for a reason and not simply so that they can be checked off as 'done' and thrown into a mastered or maintenance list. Abilities are mastered 'progressively' and should be considered fully mastered when they are effortlessly put to use within a linguistic practice. 


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